Grace Rhodes

Essential Considerations When Visiting a Chiropractor While Pregnant


If you had an injury that got your back out of line and you do not want to take drugs that may affect your unborn child, you can seek alleviation from a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is drugless. However, there are a few things you need to consider as the safety of both you and your little one is paramount. Why you should find a chiropractor who specialises in pregnant women exclusively

11 September 2018

Recovering Safely: How Physiotherapy Can Help With Medical Rehabilitation

Health & Medical Blog

Many people associate physiotherapy with sports injuries and pain, but its uses extend far beyond this. It certainly is helpful for working on joints and muscles, as illustrated by those common uses, but it can also be used to assist with nerve damage, the respiratory system, circulation and even brain-related conditions such as strokes and Parkinson's disease. Those who have cystic fibrosis or have suffered from heart attacks may also benefit.

25 July 2018

Signs That Your Cold Warrants a Visit to the GP


Despite the unusually sunny weather and relatively high standard of living, according to Health Direct, Australian adults usually get two to four colds per year. This frequency of sickness in Australians seems to have lead to a carefree attitude toward illnesses. But what do you do when a cold doesn't go away? Below are a few signs you should probably visit your GP. Chest Pain or Shortness of Breath Neither a cold nor influenza directly cause chest pain or shortness of breath.

4 June 2018

A Guide to Acute Limb Ischemia

Health & Medical Blog

Acute limb ischemia is an extremely serious, potentially life-threatening condition which prevents blood from flowing into a limb (usually a leg). Read on to learn more. Symptoms One of the most common symptoms of acute limb ischemia is a persistent and severe pain in the affected limb which cannot be eased with painkillers or rest. Sufferers may also find that the affected limb initially turns very pale and smooth (due to the lack of blood flowing through it).

27 April 2018

Hearing Aids? There's an Emoji for That!


Stigma around hearing aids can stop people from finding out if a hearing aid would improve their standard of living. Some worry that hearing aids are unfashionable, especially given how rarely they see people with hearing aids in the media. However, a recent proposal to include hearing aids in emojis for electronic communication may go some way towards removing the stigma around hearing loss. Apple recently submitted a proposal to Unicode, suggesting 13 new emojis to represent people with disabilities such as low vision and limited mobility.

26 March 2018

3 Simple But Effective Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain


If you often suffer lower back pain, you may have heard that exercise can help to alleviate the pain. The right workout which exercises the muscles in the lower back, buttocks, hips and abdomen can help prevent muscle strain and the pain associated with it. However, not all exercises are suitable for lower back pain. Some can make the pain worse, and it is essential to consult a physician before engaging in them.

5 December 2017

Facts About Prostate Cancer

Health & Medical Blog

Because the small prostate gland is tucked away under the bladder, many men may not even know what the prostate is or its purpose. The prostate produces seminal fluid and is an organ that is largely ignored in the younger years. But once a man reaches age 50, the prostate often makes its presence known. It is also responsible for one of the most common forms of cancer in men, second only to skin cancer.

16 October 2017

The Ways Remedial Massage Heals Your Sports Injuries


While many people associate massage with spas and relaxation, there's an approach that involves promoting your body's natural healing process to reduce pain and injury. Remedial massage targets areas that cause your pain, allowing you to return to a normal range of movement and everyday activities faster than when you engage in no treatment. In addition to having their uses in chronic pain therapy, remedial massages are an excellent use for combatting sports injuries too.

28 June 2017

When Should You Start Having Hearing Tests?

Health & Medical Blog

Your hearing is something you may take for granted. As you start ageing, hearing loss happens gradually, which means you may begin to adapt to the loss before you realise something is wrong. Fortunately, knowing more about when you should start tests and the symptoms that should prompt the testing process will allow you to acquire hearing aids that make life easier. Begin your hearing tests at the age of 60

28 June 2017

Why Doctors Request a CT scan

Health & Medical Blog

A Computerised Tomography (CT) scan is a special type of scan that uses x-rays and a computer to construct detailed images of structures within the body. It is safe, non- invasive and provides a different view than a regular x-ray does.   A special machine called the CT scanner sends several beams of x-rays through the body from different angles simultaneously. The strength of the beams that passed through the body is measured by a computer.

21 June 2017