Why I Love My Great GP

Hello, my name is Cindy. I live in the suburbs of Sydney with my family. Although I would occasionally visit the doctor when I was feeling too good or if one of the children had a cold. However, my whole view on doctors changed when I found a lump on breast last year. I went to my GP in a panic, but he was a real sweetie. He calmed me down and explained he would refer me for a further investigation. Thankfully, they caught my cancer early and after some treatment, I made a full recovery. Since this close call, I have taken a keen interest in everything health related.

What to Do if Your Rental Property Was Used as a Clandestine Drug Lab

Health & Medical Blog

As a landlord, you can do plenty of checks to get an idea of who you are allowing to rent your home. However, no matter how much due diligence you might do, you could still end up with the wrong tenants. In fact, you might have recently found yourself in this situation, and you might have found out that your rental property was used as a clandestine drug lab. If so, then you might be wondering what your next steps should be. This can be an incredibly challenging situation for any landlord to be in, but these are some of the things that you will probably need to do.

Evict the Tenant in the Proper Manner

First of all, if you have gotten word that your tenant has been using your rental property as a drug lab, one of the first and most important things that you probably need to do is go through the process of having the tenant evicted, if they haven't already moved out or been arrested and put in jail. Make sure that you go through this process in the proper manner by working with a lawyer.

Work With the Authorities

There is a chance that you will need to work with your local authorities in this situation. If you have found out that your property was a clandestine drug lab and aren't sure of whether or not law enforcement is aware of it, you should contact them and let them know. They might need to gather evidence and take other action, and your cooperation is sure to be helpful.

Have the Home Tested

If you aren't sure of whether or not your rental property was used as a clandestine drug lab — but if you think this might be the case, due to rumors that you might have heard from others or signs that you might have noticed in the home yourself — then you might want to have proper testing done. There are professional services that can help with performing this testing.

Have the Home Remediated

If you know for sure that your rental home was used as a clandestine drug lab — such as if you were informed of this by law enforcement or if you had testing done, as mentioned above — then the next step that you should take is to have the home remediated. Again, there are professional companies who can take the proper action to remediate your rental home in order to restore its value and make it safe for the next tenants.


15 September 2021